Our organization KUNE e.V. supports refugees on the escape routes, at the borders of Europe and in refugee camps, accompanies their integration in Germany and assists in the establishment of self-help projects in the countries of origin.
We are there, before the people receive aid from the particular states and, in the best case, asylum.
We are an open group of people trying to make the world a little more pleasant with the means at our disposal.
We are an open group of people trying to make the world a little more pleasant with the means at our disposal.
Cooked Liters of soup
Tutored teenagers
Mediated volunteers
Kilometers driven
Cooked Liters of soup
Mediated volunteers
Tutored teenagers
Kilometers driven
We welcome the people who come to us with warm food, warm clothing, intitial medical supplies or simply with advice and support. We talk to them, listen to their stories and take part in their lives. We want to show them that Europe has many faces and that there are many people whose values are based on
humanity, justice and equality.
We go to places where there are (still) few structures to support arriving refugees.
Our base consists of a fixed group of volunteers and changing volunteers, who prepare warm food for up to several thousand people every day with mobile equipment, like a field kitchen, gas stoves, vans and many many boxes. Here in Germany, we take over large parts of the organization, the transport and the bureaucracy for this work and are there for the people who want to live here.
We go to places where there are (still) few structures to support arriving refugees.
Our base consists of a fixed group of volunteers and changing volunteers, who prepare warm food for up to several thousand people every day with mobile equipment, like a field kitchen, gas stoves, vans and many many boxes. Here in Germany, we take over large parts of the organization, the transport and the bureaucracy for this work and are there for the people who want to live here.
Want to
lend a hand?
super nice!
Wir sind’s!
Du wolltest zum SWK — Schönere Willkommenskultur e.V. und fragst dich wer KUNE e.V. ist? – Wir sinds nur.
Wir sind gewachsen und haben uns weiterentwickelt. So nun auch unser Auftritt.
Aber eins steht fest:
Für immer schönere Wilkommenskultur!