Tutoring in Bremen’s Schweizer Viertel —
You didn’t have any money for tutoring yourself?
That, however, is Tobi’s experience, he’s one of our tutors.
To make it easier for future generations, Kune e.V., has established a free individual tutoring project at GSO. It started in 2019 with him and Mascha as tutors and is still growing — for those who cannot otherwise afford it.
Every week, three teachers now give almost two dozen young people the chance to participate in everyday school life again. So far, the demand for our project can hardly be met. It’s is currently supported by the European Social Fund (ESF). The results and the feedback from all involved are overwhelming.
If you feel the same way as we do and would like to join KUNE e.V. in giving more school children free support for their education, then do the same for the ESF and click on the donate button.
If you feel the same way as we do and would like to join KUNE e.V. in giving more school children free support for their education, then do the same for the ESF and click on the donate button.

Simply contact Tobi, our project coordinator, directly through our contact form.
exams prepared
pupils supported
times taught digitally
lessons given
exams prepared
times taught digitally
pupils supported
lessons given
more projects –
Italian-French border together with the group Kesha Niya.