Donate —
Of course, all our projects and activities cost not only time but primarily one thing: money.
Naturally, we don’t use this money to pay ourselves, but to ensure that 100% of your donations reach the people our association supports.
You can donate to us in general, and we will use your donation where it is most urgently needed.
Alternatively, you can choose a specific project.
Use our bank account
IBAN DE70 2905 0101 0081 6901 41
Or support us via PayPal
You can also find us on
— Thank you!
digital donors
supporters at events
vans with in-kind donations
digital donors
supporters at events
vans with in-kind donations
Donation receipt? —
We will of course be happy to issue you with a donation receipt. The best way to do this is to contact us personally.
When donating on Betterplace, you can download a receipt directly, that’s the easiest way!
The topic of
donations in kind —
Unfortunately, we can currently no longer accept in-kind donations.
Sorting, cleaning and transporting used items ties up too many resources. Right now we’d miss those at other spots.
You belong to a company who wants to support our lotteries? Wow, cool! Please, get in touch with a short message:
You’d rather
join yourself?
please do!